Statement of Faith
We as a Church believe in the following:
The Trinity
We believe in one God but having three persons in Him- God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. All agreeing with one another and in unison with each other.
The Bible
We believe that the Bible was written by the divine inspiration of God and is the foundation of every doctrine for the Christian Believer.
The Atonement
We believe that Jesus Christ was the Word made flesh. He freely came to die on the cross as the Sacrificial Lamb for our sins so that he would fulfill the law and be the sin bearer for all of mankind. This act has allowed mankind free access back to God the Father for all who would accept him into their life as their Lord and Saviour.
Salvation & Water Baptism
We believe that after accepting Jesus Christ into our life as our Lord and Saviour, we then need to make a decision and be baptised in water by full immersion.
Baptism In The Holy Spirit
We believe that a Christian needs to be baptised in the Holy Spirit and filled on the inside by the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. This is a gift from God and cannot be earned or bought in any way. There are gifts of the Spirit that God has given to every believer. The same Spirit, but different in their operation.
We believe in the participation of the Lord`s supper through a weekly communion service.
Gathering Together
We believe that meeting together regularly encourages, edifies and strengthens our Faith through learning more about the Nature of God, purpose of God for our life and fellowshipping together (Hebrews 10:24-25).
We believe that every person has a part to play in the Body of Christ in the local Church.
We believe in the giving of Tithes and Offerings as congregation members feel led to contribute to assist both the local and global church.
Divine Healing
We believe in the divine healing of God through the name of The Jesus Christ.
The Second Coming of Christ
We Believe that Jesus Christ will return to the earth one day to gather in his true Church, and all those that believe in him.