Pastors Len & Vicki Cutting
Len and Vicki have been married for 50 years and are the proud parents to three adult children, grandparents and great grandparents to a growing extended family. Len had a strong desire to know God at the young age of 5 and came to know Christ as his Saviour at the age of 16. Len was then filled with Holy Spirit three years later. He has a strong ministry call on his life and has been the Senior Pastor of The Lamp Church located in Bendigo, Australia for the last seven years. He is also the associate Pastor to a Church in Wandong and Pastor to a Home group in Shepparton, Victoria. He has been a minister of the Word of God for over 50 years in various Church settings.
Len has a dynamic teaching ministry and an exceptional understanding of the Word of God. He is an exuberant and passionate communicator who seeks to impart and bolster people’s Faith wherever he goes. He has a heart for the lost and is passionate in leading people to find a purposeful life through coming into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Len freely flows in the Holy Spirit and has seen many miracles, healings, signs and wonders throughout the many years he has been a Pastor and the numerous overseas trips he has made. He is an in demand international speaker and frequently travels to New Zealand, America and India to encourage and empower church pastors and congregations through the Word of God and his prophetic gifting. He is passionate about empowering and equipping the saints to become all they are called to be in God. Len is passionate about relationships both nationally and internationally and is affiliated with the Leaders Network International and the Alliance International Ministries.