Online Sermon Series
Weekly sermons are uploaded online. Please refer to the YouTube link below to see some of Len’s dynamic Bible teaching sermon series.
We pray that they bless you!
Teaching Resources- Study Guides
Len Cutting is an Author of 13 study guides (books) that have been distributed both locally (Australia wide) and internationally (New Zealand, America, South Africa, India, Nepal, Afghanistan and to the South Korean Bible School). Please feel free to click on the link attached to each book to download your free copy.
We pray that you find them to be a big blessing and enlighten you further as you study God’s Word!

Study Guide Information & Downloads:
Title | Description | File |
Foundation Principles | The building blocks for a fulfilled life as a Christian. (Ephesians 2:20) | |
Nehemiah | How a call on someone's life can overcome anything (Nehemiah chapters 1-8). | |
A Famine of Hearing the Word of God | A decision that will affect our eternal future. | |
Is there a Second Coming of Jesus Christ? | What the scriptures say about this subject. (Revelation 14:14-18, Matthew 25:5-6) | |
We Serve the God of the Breakthrough | No matter what we face or experience we are able to overcome by the Word of the Lord. | |
What is it That You Have Within Your House? | Quite often human nature forgets that the Holy Spirit lives within us. | |
Spiritual Warfare | In 2 Chronicles 20:15 the Word says "...For the battle is not yours, but Gods." | |
What is it That We Have Within Us, That We Can Give to Somebody? | The spoken Word can do abundantly above what we ask or think. | |
A Visitation of the Spirit of the Lord | What we can expect in these last days, before the Lord comes as a Husband for his Bride, the Church. | |
A Trilogy of 3 Books - The Journey Towards the book of Revelation | ||
Book 1: Transformed by Salvation | How the lives of every believer is affected when we get saved. | |
Book 2: Transformed by the Word of God | We are changed, transformed by the Word of God as we allow the Word and spirit of God to impact our spirit, heart and mind. | |
Book 3: Experiencing the Actual Events of Our Time | The deep in God calls out to the deep in man as we allow him to touch our spirit, heart and mind. |